Skin Caliper Body Fat Calculator | An Online Body Fat Calculator For Men And Women

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Standard Skin Caliper Body Fat Calculator Procedures

  1. Measurements should be made on the right side of the body
  2. Position the caliper 1 cm away from thumb and finger, perpendicular to skinfold, and halfway between crest and base of fold
  3. Maintain the pinch while reading the caliper
  4. Wait 1 to 2 seconds before reading caliper – do not wait longer
  5. Take at least two measurements at each site.  If your measurements are not within 1 to 2 mm, re-test all measurements.
  6. Allow adequate time for skin to regain normal texture and thickness

How To Take Your Skin Caliper Skin Fold Measurements For The Different Areas

  • Chest - Diagonal fold, midway between upper armpit and nipple
  • Midaxillary - Horizontal fold, directly below armpit
  • Bicep - Vertical fold, halfway between shoulder and elbow, directly on bicep
  • Abdominal - Vertical fold, one inch to the right of navel
  • Suprailiac - Diagonal fold, directly above iliac crest
  • Thigh - Vertical fold, midway between knee cap and top of thigh
  • Calf - Vertical fold, inside of leg on largest part of calf
  • Subscapular - Diagonal fold, directly below shoulder blade
  • Tricep - Vertical fold, midway between elbow and shoulder
  • Lower Back - Horizontal fold, directly over the kidneys, and 2 inches to the right of spine

Jackson / Pollack 7 Site Method and 4 Site Method or Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

We provided two equations that give a value for body density from skin fold skin caliper measurements, from the research of Dr. Andrew Jackson and M. L. Pollock. Once the body density is calculated using the equations, the level of percent bodyfat (%BF) is then be determined using the Siri Equation.

Parillo Method / Formula For Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

The Parillo Caliper Method for calculating percent body fat is a very simple method using nine skinfold site measurements. This is a very general formula whose accuracy is questionable. This formula does distinguish between males and females.

Durnin and Womersley Method For Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

The Durnin and Womersley formula is a general equation with limited population specificity since it was developed from a heterogeneous group of varying ages.

The calculation of body fat % involves measuring four skinfold sites, triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac, and substitute the log of their sum into one of the following equations, Where D = predicted density of the body (g/ml), and L = log of the total of the 4 skinfolds (mm). The density value can then converted to Percent bodyfat (%BF) using the Siri Equation

Standard Skin Caliper Body Fat Calculator Procedures

  1. Measurements should be made on the right side of the body
  2. Position the caliper 1 cm away from thumb and finger, perpendicular to skinfold, and halfway between crest and base of fold
  3. Maintain the pinch while reading the caliper
  4. Wait 1 to 2 seconds before reading caliper – do not wait longer
  5. Take at least two measurements at each site.  If your measurements are not within 1 to 2 mm, re-test all measurements.
  6. Allow adequate time for skin to regain normal texture and thickness

How To Take Your Skin Caliper Skin Fold Measurements For The Different Areas

  • Chest - Diagonal fold, midway between upper armpit and nipple
  • Midaxillary - Horizontal fold, directly below armpit
  • Bicep - Vertical fold, halfway between shoulder and elbow, directly on bicep
  • Abdominal - Vertical fold, one inch to the right of navel
  • Suprailiac - Diagonal fold, directly above iliac crest
  • Thigh - Vertical fold, midway between knee cap and top of thigh
  • Calf - Vertical fold, inside of leg on largest part of calf
  • Subscapular - Diagonal fold, directly below shoulder blade
  • Tricep - Vertical fold, midway between elbow and shoulder
  • Lower Back - Horizontal fold, directly over the kidneys, and 2 inches to the right of spine

Jackson / Pollack 7 Site Method and 4 Site Method or Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

We provided two equations that give a value for body density from skin fold skin caliper measurements, from the research of Dr. Andrew Jackson and M. L. Pollock. Once the body density is calculated using the equations, the level of percent bodyfat (%BF) is then be determined using the Siri Equation.

Parillo Method / Formula For Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

The Parillo Caliper Method for calculating percent body fat is a very simple method using nine skinfold site measurements. This is a very general formula whose accuracy is questionable. This formula does distinguish between males and females.

Durnin and Womersley Method For Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper

The Durnin and Womersley formula is a general equation with limited population specificity since it was developed from a heterogeneous group of varying ages.

The calculation of body fat % involves measuring four skinfold sites, triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac, and substitute the log of their sum into one of the following equations, Where D = predicted density of the body (g/ml), and L = log of the total of the 4 skinfolds (mm). The density value can then converted to Percent bodyfat (%BF) using the Siri Equation