Perform the workouts below for the next 4 weeks, then move on to the next phase.
Front Squat-
3 count pause to a heavy single
Close Grip Bench-
10, 6, 5, 3, 1
Weighted Dips- 4 sets
Sets of 5-10. working up to heavy set of 5-10
Barbell Curls- 5 sets
Heavy- 5-8 reps
5 sets Quad Set
Tricep Pressdown 12-15
Cable Curl 12-15
Band Pressdown- 30
hammer curl- 10
Back Extension/GHD- 4 x10
Abs- 100 reps of ab wheel or weighted crunches
Lunges 400 meters
Back Squats- Triples to a heavy single-
Flat Bench Press
DB Press
GHD- 4 x 10, weighted if needed
Abs- Wheels or Weighted Crunches- 100 reps total
Lunges- 400 meters.
Box Squat-
work up to a heavy single
Deadlift- pyrmaid up in weight each set
5, 5, 3, 1
Bent over Rows
- 5 x 5
5 set Superset
Pullups- 10 reps
Seated Row- 10 reps
Lat Pull down
- use a different grip each set (wide, narrow, underhand, seated row handle, single arm, etc.)
-5 sets 10-15
Back Extensions
Abs- 100 reps, crunches or wheels
Lunges- 400 meters
Front Squat: Optional:
- up to a heavy double
Military Press
- 10, 8, 5, 3, 3, 2
DB Shoulder Press- seated
- 4 sets of 6 reps
5 set Superset:
- Rear Delt Fly- 15 reps
-Side lateral Raise- 15 reps
Back Extension- 4 x 10
Abs- 100 reps- wheels and/or crunches
Lunge- 400 meters
1. Empty Barbell Workout- see LINK
2. Body Weight Workout: 50-100 reps each of:
3. Pick 5 of the following exercises:
Finsh with back extension, abs, lunges
back extension 4 x 10
ABs- 100 reps- wheels and/or crunches
back extension- 4 x 10
Abs- 100 reps wheels and/or crunches