Perform the workouts below for the next 4 weeks, then move on to the next phase.
Back SquatHeavy 3x3
Bench Press5x5 - add 5# from last time
DeadliftWork up to a heavy single
Back Superset x 5Barbell Rows - 5 repsFace Pulls - 20 reps
Ab Wheel100
Squat PyramidUse the calculator10-8-6-4-3-2-6
Bench Press5x5 - Add 5# from last time we benched
Tri-Set for 4 SetsChest Fly - 12 repsIncline Press - 12 repsSeated Rows - 12 reps
4 RoundsGHD - 10 repsBack Ext - 10 repsAb Wheel - 25 repsPull-Ups - 10 reps
LegsBarbell Lunges 4x10 Heavy (5 per leg)-or-Squat Cleans 4x3
Overhead/Military Press5x5 - add 5# from last time
Push Press3x3
Total Arm Annihilation - 4 Sets8 Barbell Curls - Heavy10 Triceps Extensions - Heavy12 Barbell Curls20 Triceps ExtensionsDirectly into 100 empty barbell curls
Weighted Crunches100
Front Squats 6x2 - Climbing
Shoulder Definition Circuit - 4 setsSide Laterals - 10 repsFront Raise - 10 reps
Trap Superset - 4 SetsHigh Pulls - 8 repsShrugs - 20 repsDB Shrugs - 20 repsDB Upright Rows - 12 reps
Pure Strength Superset x 4Weighted Pull-Ups - 6 repsWeighted Dips 10 repsLunges400
Or Optional
Bodyweight Day
100 Pull-Ups100 Push-Ups50 Pull-Ups50 Push-Ups25 Pull-Ups25 Push-Ups
Walking Lunges400
Ab Wheels100