You want to get super strong this is for you. This program has a laser focus on increasing your squat, bench press and deadlift. Conjugate, bands, less supersets and less biceps. More big-boy lifting.
*scroll down for nutrition plans for 6 meals per day, 3 meals per day and intermittent fasting plans.
The nutrition component of the JackedDad workout program is just as important as completing all of the weekly workouts. You need to fuel the machine properly if you want results.
You can choose between 3 different nutrition plans that suit your needs, and once you pick a plan, you can print one our nutrition logs based on your desired caloric intake.
Sample Daily Food IntakeWhile on intermittent fasting, you will consume the below sample meals within your eating window. Mix and match, and eat when you’re hungry. The easiest way to go about this is to have a meat/veggie/fat for each meal if you want to stay lower carb. If you want to eat a few more carbs, you can do meat/fat/complex carb (sweet potato or oatmeal). Meal 1• 2-3 Serving Meat/Protein• 2 Serving FatMid-Eating Window Carb (optional)• You can consume some form of carbs right in the middle if your eating windowMeal 2• 2-3 Serving Meat/Protein• 2 Serving Fat• 2 Cups VegetablesSnack Option 1• Handful of AlmondsSnack Option 2• 1 Scoop Protein• Handful of NutsLast Meal Before Bed• 1-2 Bananas• 1-2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
Sample Daily Food IntakeBreakfast: 7:00 AM• 3 Eggs (or 1.5 Serving Mean/Protein)• 1/4c Oatmeal + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil• 1/2c Fruit (on oatmeal)Snack: 10:00 AM• 2 Scoops Protein Powder• 1 Serving FatLunch: 1:00 PM• 1 Serving Meat/Protein• 1 Serving Carbohydrate• 1 Serving FatSnack: 4:00 PM• 2 Scoops Protein Powder (or 2 servings protein)• 1 Serving FatDinner: 7:00 PM• 1-2 Serving Meat/Protein• 1 Serving Carbohydrate• 1 Serving Fat• 2 Servings VegetablesSnack: 10:00 PM• 2 Scoops Protein• 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter-or-• 1 Banana• 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
Sample Daily Food IntakeBreakfast: 7:00 AM• 2 Scoops Protein Powder• 3 Eggs (or 1.5 Serving Mean/Protein) cooked in 1 tbsp coconut oil• 1/2c Oatmeal + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil• 1/2c Fruit (on oatmeal)Lunch: 1:00 PM• 1 Serving Meat/Protein• 1 Serving Carbohydrate• 2 Serving Fat• 1 Scoop Protein PowderDinner: 7:00 PM• 1-2 Serving Meat/Protein• 1 Serving Carbohydrate• 2 Serving Fat• 2 Servings VegetablesBedtime: 10:00 PM• 2 Scoops Protein• 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter-or-• 1 Banana• 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
Want to get HUGE? This program and nutrition plan is for you.